Some dental experts argue that when you mix toxic mercury with silver and other ingredients, it becomes a completely safe and stable dental restoration material. For decades, this material – called amalgam – has been used in fillings. Now, this Civil War era restoration material is shunned by many dentists, but lots of people still have dangerous mercury in their mouths – and it needs to be removed, as an experiment on the Dr. Oz show proves.
Mercury is a neurotoxin, and that’s why mercury-containing fillings are banned in some countries. In the United States, however, mercury amalgam is still allowed. But it shouldn’t be.
For dental patients unlucky enough to have silver-colored fillings, they could be the source of untold health problems. The solution is to remove these fillings and replace them with composite material or other restorations – something Dr. Paige Woods at Brighton Dental San Diego does for her patients under strict protocols designed to prevent additional harm.
Aside from damaging your own health with mercury-containing fillings, you’re releasing mercury into the atmosphere every time you brush, chew, grind your teeth or consume acidic beverages if you have silver fillings. Atmospheric mercury becomes methylmercury that contaminates fish. And consider how much mercury is released by dentists who still use amalgam in large quantities or dispose of old amalgam improperly.
Still, the American Dental Association advocates the use of dental amalgams, failing to acknowledge the problems or risks. In a recent survey, researchers found that as many as half of American dentists still use mercury amalgam.
On the Dr. Oz television program, Dr. Mehmet Oz participated in an experiment that proves the harmfulness of mercury fillings. Working with his hands inside a closed container with special air filtration and wearing heavy gloves, Dr. Oz used an ordinary toothbrush to brush for only a few seconds on some amalgam installed in a mouth replica. This quick brushing released 61 micrograms of mercury. If the mouth had been real, that mercury vapor could have crossed the blood-brain barrier and caused its neurological effects.
Take a look at the video. The experiment begins about 2 minutes in:
Dr. Curatola, Founder of Rejuvenation Dentistry, Explains Dangers of Mercury Fillings Part 2
And people with mercury amalgam fillings brush, crew, grind and consume carbonated beverages every day. Interestingly, most of those who tried to refute the findings of the experiment admit that mercury vapor is released daily from amalgam, they just dispute how much harm it causes patients. But why not use dental composite – just as strong and better looking – instead?
While mercury vapor won’t instantly kill you, imagine the cumulative effect over time of having a neurotoxin installed in your body. You may question the credentials of Dr. Oz to perform dentistry experiments, but remember that the demonstration for his television show was based on laboratory demos. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology is among organizations that have made similar findings.
The Dr. Oz video very effectively demonstrates the dangers of having amalgam fillings. You can eliminate the release of colorless, odorless, tasteless and poisonous vapors into your body and into the environment by having Dr. Paige Woods replace your amalgam fillings with composite. Amalgam filling removal is one of the primary reasons people from across Southern California turn to Brighton Dental San Diego.
Stop the potential damage to your health and benefit from beautiful, tooth-colored composite fillings and other cosmetically pleasing restorations when you turn to Brighton and Dr. Woods.
Amalgam filling material is shipped to dental offices as hazardous material. It’s disposed of as hazardous waste. So why would anyone think it’s safe to have in your mouth? Call (619) 831-8559 to schedule your appointment.